

First day at home by myself

Today I was home by myself for the first time all day, Tom went to work. It wasn't too bad, just a lot of feeding. Ana's umbilical cord fell off Sunday night so she got a little tummy time on the quilt that my Aunt Cathy made for her, she didn't mind it. So she is eating a lot and sleeping a lot. Hopefully I will start to be feeling much better by the end of the week that maybe I can have a little outing, even if it's just to the grocery store.


June 26, 2009

Today we had our first pediatric well visit. Ana has lost some weight since coming home, so we are on a plan to increase her weight by next week. The good news is that she is feeding well now, and for Sara the dairy is producing. Here are some pics I took yesterday.


June 24, 2009

Today we brought little Ana home. She and Sara are doing well and resting up. Gail and I are holding down the fort while they sleep. Sara spent a good bit of the night up feeding Ana and she probably will do the same again tonight. I was helping whenever Sara asked me to, but I don't think I ever really regained consciousness from the deep sleep I was in. That hospital room was freezing too, so I was shivering and curled up like a chia-hu-hu. They're home now and feeling fine, so I'll take the shivering. We feel very lucky to have carried the pregnancy to term and then have a mostly uneventful post delivery period. Beyond the drama of the actual laboring and delivery we spent a few peaceful days in the recovery room with the girls recovering from the trauma.

I'm learning a lot. I did my first diapers, at least that I can recall, and I learned how to tightly swaddle the baby in a couple of blankets. Its so funny when she yawns, she looks just like a mini Sara, but when she is fussy she has little furrows in her brow between her eyebrows just like mine. She also has detached earlobes like me, but we'll see who she resembles more as time goes on. My money is on her being a spitting image of Sara.


Thursday, June 19

39 weeks!
That smart ass baby is coming out next week for sure. We scheduled the induction for Tuesday, but we're on the Monday waiting list, so we'll see. Sara is ready to get done with this pregnancy. I'm ready for her to feel better. The doctor asked her about scheduling the induction on Tuesday and she said she wanted to. Then he started to say " How about Mon-". She cut him off ,"ok". We ate at Burger King for lunch, so all in all I guess today was a success. I walked home from work and I am hitting the stacks tomorrow as pennance.


Thursday, June 11

Today I am 38 weeks along, so moving closer and closer. Still at 2 cm, almost 3...the Dr. said that I am ready to go whenever. He also said that we could schedule and induction for next week if we wanted. I've decided to wait one more week and see. If I'm still pregnant at our next appointment our Dr. will schedule an induction the week of the 22nd. He does not want to go past the due date, so this will definetly be a June baby. Not looking forward to an induction, so come on baby girl!


Thursday, June 4, 2009

37 weeks today: that baby is to term.
We went to the OB today, and apparently Sara's light cramps have been light contractions because she is already 2cm dilated and 40% effaced. The doctor said we could go any day now, so from here on out we're on high alert. In other news the camcorder is in and we have begun making short recordings just to figure out how it works. Its a cool camera, and we'll get something to the computer soon.